Saturday, October 02, 2010

Top 10 Free iPhone Apps of 2010

Personally, I'm finding myself more and more attached to my iPhone. I attribute this to "backseat" time (This is the term I have given the time kids spend in the backseat playing with digital tools while we parents wrestle with traffic driving them hither and thither).

I accumulated this "backseat time" when my husband was doing most of the driving earlier this year as we commuted back and forth on weekends between one daughter in the Bay Area and the other in Portland. Finally I had time to download weird little apps and play with them.

While not all of the apps in the post below are useful in a school setting, some are useful in terms of personal productivity (e.g. Meebo).

Probably the most useful in the list is AppMiner, which helps you find MORE apps!

Here's the list--happy tapping!

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