Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Missing the point...

From Wired magazine: "How the iPhone could reboot education":

"The traditional classroom, where an instructor assigns a textbook, is heading toward obsolescence. Why listen to a single source talk about a printed textbook that will inevitably be outdated in a few years? That setting seems stale and hopelessly limited when pitted against the internet, which opens a portal to a live stream of information provided by billions of minds.“About five years ago my students stopped taking notes,” Rankin said. “I asked, ‘Why are you not taking notes?’ And they said, ‘Why would we take notes on that?…. I can go to Wikipedia or go to Google, and I can get all the information I need.”

I can't decide if this makes me want to laugh or cry...schools are SO far behind...we endlessly debate the value, the research, the outcomes...and the students just tune us out and keep on living in their parallel universe...I sat next to an educator at the ITSC conference who studiously took notes on his dead tree notepad...no laptop or cellphone in sight...totally missing the point...How many of our schools resemble this remark?

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I totally agree. I'm a nerd; you know that. But I also believe there is a need for students to "learn" the content as well. I don't want to depend so much on the internet and technology that we use it all the time to recall facts. Learning history, math, grammar, etc is still important...but we don't need to depend on the typical ways of learning that information.