Tuesday, November 29, 2011


In the 21st Century, searching for information is a big part of our lives. We even created a new verb for it: Googling.

Pretty much everyone performs searches, but many do not have strong skills for doing so. Here is an infographic that explains several tips and tricks for "Getting More out of Google"--drilling down more effectively to find the information you need:


search google

Sunday, November 13, 2011

MacLife - FreeApp Friday

FreeAppFriday, part of the MacLife website, serves up just that-- reviews for a few free apps, usually with a theme. This week's were music related. There are also a few other posts that help Mac/iPad/iPhone users keep up with what's happening in the iOS world: http://www.maclife.com/ Happy tapping!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Embracing the Enemy

Does your school ban cell phones? Have you thought about all the ways in which cellphones could be used to support learning? Here's a fabulous Presi that shares lots of ideas--be sure to check out the additional links at the bottom of the page!


Saturday, November 05, 2011

History as Mystery

Who doesn't like a good mystery? Make history come alive in your classroom by using the techniques presented in this PBS TV series! Learn how to help students become engaged by learning to explore the past, separate truth from myth, and evaluate possibilities. The videos, as well as lots of supportive resources on the accompanying website:


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Transforming Past Lessons for 21st Century Learners

What a fabulous blog post! None of us really wants to just throw away successful lessons just because they do not utilize instructional technology. Ten Steps to Transforming Past Lessons for 21st Century Learners provides a framework (including a planning sheet!) to help renew and revive an old lesson by infusing technology. Blogger Michael Gorman recommends that teachers first check to make sure the lesson aligns with standards, and that at least two 21st Century Technologies be incorporated--to insure that at least one is measurable.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thought for the millenium:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

WE DID IT! 268 participants, presenters, and vendors, all conveged on Southern Oregon University on Friday, April 22 for the first-ever Southern Oregon Education Technology Summit. Way to go, team!

Here are the photos:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Friday, April 22, 2011


This blog post says it all about the state of America's schools--we should ALL be outraged!